Celebrating 20 Years of IQOQI

This week, we’ve been celebrating 20 years of the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information in Innsbruck. It’s been an incredible week filled with extraordinary scientists from across the world and many truly inspiring discussions.

Group Retreat at Meissner Haus

This year, the Quantum Interfaces group had the pleasure of gathering for our yearly group retreat at the cozy Meissner Haus. We spent three wonderful days filled with physics discussions, fun sports activities, and exciting team games such as building a spaghetti tower.

Spin control in Nanodiamonds

Exciting news from the lab! We’ve made a milestone by successfully controlling the spin state of 1000s of Nitrogen-Vacancy centers inside commercial nanodiamonds at room temperature. This is the first time this has been realized in Innsbruck and is a great final achievement of our master student Leo Walz.

Carl Zeiss Award for Young Researchers

On Monday evening, I received the Carl Zeiss Award for Young Researchers, which is awarded to outstanding up-coming scientists in optics and photonics by the Ernst Abbe Fund every two years. The ceremony took place at the Deutsches Museum in Munich and it was a pleasure to be honored at such a special location. My […]

Pint of Science 2023

Yesterday, together with Prof. Gerhard Kirchmair, I had the pleasure of speaking at the Pint of Science event in Innsbruck. We had a great time discussing the unique features of quantum mechanics and how they can be used to develop quantum technologies such as the quantum internet. The quantum internet has the potential to revolutionize […]

Entangling ions across Innsbruck’s campus

Trapped ions are a promising platform for the realization of future quantum networks, as they combine high quality local quantum operations with an efficient spin-photon interface for long-distance quantum communication. As a first step towards a real-world quantum network of trapped ions we report now on the demonstration of entanglement generation between two trapped ion […]

How to improve NV center entanglement?

Node-to-node entanglement is the crucial resource in a quantum network and it is therefore of prime importance to have its fidelity and efficiency well under control. In Delft, we have done a rigorous study of entanglement generation between two Nitrogen-Vacancy quantum network nodes and shed light on the influcence of various parameters during entanglement generation. […]

Physics World: Favorite Research 2022

Our paper on quantum teleportation across a three-node quantum network based on solid state spins was selected as one of the research higlights in 2022 in Quantum Science and Technology by IOP PhysicsWorld. We will keep pushing for more results in the coming years!

ESPRIT grant within Quantum Austria research initiative

I have received an ESPRIT grant by the Austrian Science Fund within the research initiative Quantum Austria. The CoolQuanD project will allow us to build a setup for studying levitated mesoscopic diamonds that host quantum spins – an experimental platform that could bridge the gap between the classical and the quantum world. I look forward […]