Simon Baier

Experimental Quantum Physicist

Principal investigator (ESPRIT project)

University of Innsbruck

"Investigating the rules of quantum mechanics at the single particle level
to enter new regimes in quantum science and to achieve superior quantum control
is the driving force behind my research. "

Expertise and Experimental platforms

Cold Levitated Diamonds

In 2022 I have started my first independent research project with the aim of establishing a new experimental platform, namely cold levitated mesoscopic diamonds at high vacuum. We will investigate means for efficient cooling of both the external and the internal temperature of the diamond particles using their internal Nitrogen-Vacancy centers.

The underlying long-term vision is to achieve quantum mechanical coupling between individual spin states and the motion of a macroscopic object.

The project is funded by an ESPRIT grant from the FWF and is hosted by the Quantum Interfaces Group of Prof. Tracy Northup at the University of Innsbruck.

Cavity coupled trapped ions are a promising platform to realize long-range quantum networks due to their superior spin-photon coupling efficiencies and entanglement fidelities, and a communication wavelength compatible for high efficient conversion to telecom frequencies.

In 2022 we have realized entanglement between two trapped ion quantum network nodes across the campus of the University of Innsbruck. This achievement was a joint effort between the teams led by Prof. Tracy Northup and Dr. Ben Lanyon.

The realization of quantum networks requires versatile quantum network nodes to distribute entanglement across the network and to store it for further processing.

As an Erwin-Schrödinger fellow at QuTech, TU Delft, together with a team led by Prof. Ronald Hanson, we have build the first quantum network exceeding two quantum network nodes – a crucial step to realize a future Quantum Internet.

Quantum Simulations are key for the investigation of quantum mechanical properties. By using a well controlled quantum mechanical system one can implement and study tailored Hamiltonians and unlock new types of matter.

During my PhD thesis work in the group of Prof. Francesca Ferlaino I used the toolbox of lattice-confined dipolar atoms to perform Quantum Simulations of exotic inter-atom interactions that extend across neighboring lattice sites.

News room

Academic positions

ESPRIT Senior Postdoc
Cold levitated diamonds - University Innsbruck (2022 - today)
Erwin-Schrödinger Senior Postdoc
Trapped Ions based Quantum networks - University Innsbruck (2020 - 2022)
Erwin-Schrödinger Postdoc
Nitrogen-Vacancy Center based Quantum Networks - TU Delft (2018-2020)
PhD Student
Ultracold Dipolar Quantum Gases - University Innsbruck (2013-2018)

Most recent publications


Entanglement of Trapped-Ion Qubits Separated by 230 Meters

Krutyanskiy, V.; Galli, M.; Krcmarsky, V.; Baier, S.; Fioretto, D. A.; Pu, Y.; Mazloom, A.; Sekatski, P.; Canteri, M.; Teller, M.; Schupp, J.; Bate, J.; Meraner, M.; Sangouard, N.; Lanyon, B. P.; Northup, T. E.

Entanglement of Trapped-Ion Qubits Separated by 230 Meters Artikel

In: Phys. Rev. Lett., Bd. 130, Ausg. 5, S. 050803, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Entangling remote qubits using the single-photon protocol: an in-depth theoretical and experimental study

Hermans, S L N; Pompili, M; Martins, L Dos Santos; Montblanch, A R-P; Beukers, H K C; Baier, S; Borregaard, J; Hanson, R

Entangling remote qubits using the single-photon protocol: an in-depth theoretical and experimental study Artikel

In: New Journal of Physics, Bd. 25, Nr. 1, S. 013011, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Robust quantum-network memory based on spin qubits in isotopically engineered diamond

Bradley, C. E.; Bone, S. W.; Moller, P. F. W.; Baier, S.; Degen, M. J.; Loenen, S. J. H.; Bartling, H. P.; Markham, M.; Twitchen, D. J.; Hanson, R.; Elkouss, D.; Taminiau, T. H.

Robust quantum-network memory based on spin qubits in isotopically engineered diamond Artikel

In: npj Quantum Information, Bd. 8, Nr. 1, S. 122, 2022, ISSN: 2056-6387.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Determination of the scattering length of erbium atoms

Patscheider, A.; Chomaz, L.; Natale, G.; Petter, D.; Mark, M. J.; Baier, S.; Yang, B.; Wang, R. R. W.; Bohn, J. L.; Ferlaino, F.

Determination of the scattering length of erbium atoms Artikel

In: Phys. Rev. A, Bd. 105, Ausg. 6, S. 063307, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Qubit teleportation between non-neighbouring nodes in a quantum network

Hermans, S. L. N.; Pompili, M.; Beukers, H. K. C.; Baier, S.; Borregaard, J.; Hanson, R.

Qubit teleportation between non-neighbouring nodes in a quantum network Artikel

In: Nature, Bd. 605, Nr. 7911, S. 663-668, 2022, ISSN: 1476-4687.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX
